Specialized Conversational Chatbot Robots (Knowledge-Based) with Users

A conversational chatbot robot is a computer program that analyzes and simulates human conversation. Baho Company has successfully designed and implemented conversational robots based on artificial intelligence, utilizing machine learning tools and natural language processing to understand user questions and generate appropriate responses.

This system can receive a broad range of user questions and inputs and, through learning from conversations over time, continuously improve its performance. Simultaneously, with the emergence and growth of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT models developed by OpenAI, the applications of artificial intelligence in the conversation domain have gained significant popularity. Conversational chatbot robots have revolutionized our interaction with applications, websites, and customers, creating noticeable advancements in daily life.

The ability to create custom conversational chatbot robots has changed the rules of the game, assisting individuals and organizations in establishing effective and personalized communication based on the specific data of each organization with its customers. These conversational robots, based on the power of large language models like GPT, can significantly enhance communication and conversation with organizations based on their specialized data.

Considering the vast data domain of GPT models, connecting them to the data and specialized knowledge of each organization can bring about a significant evolution in establishing effective communication with customers. The ability to leverage large language models from your organization’s data and specialized knowledge can respond to customer questions and needs. With this capability, you can have your own dedicated GPT model connected to your organization’s up-to-date data in the form of reports, documents, databases, and websites.

Benefits of Custom Conversational Robots Based on Organization Data and Knowledge

Interactive Conversation: This conversational robot enables organizations to have interactive and effective conversations, understanding user questions and requests and providing effective responses.

Summarization: Organizations can use this tool to provide summarized responses to user questions based on the comprehensive insight that artificial intelligence gains from their knowledge and data.

Answering Questions: This tool excels in responding to user questions within the domain of specialized knowledge of any organization. Organizations can utilize this capability for proper customer support, allowing each customer to receive suitable answers to their questions.

Data Processing: This tool provides the capability for the robot to identify patterns and trends in the organization’s data, using this insight to respond to questions and requests effectively.